The recent conversations on education, tuition support and extending the Bridgeway model across Nova Scotia has brought us back in touch with students and families we haven't heard from in quite a while.
Here's a note one former parent sent to offer an update on her son and why she believes Bridgeway still matters.
The Bridgeway team
Speaking from our experiences, our son, now 28 years old, spent 8 years at Bridgeway Academy, graduating in 2001. Without this school's constant support, our son would have been a drop-out with limited education, with minimal job skills or have some kind of criminal record. He would not be where he is today, as a successful individual, employee and fellow taxpayer of this province. We are very fortunate to receive two years of funding under the former APSEA (Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority). The remaining six years we paid ourselves.
We cannot tell you enough how important schools like Bridgeway Academy are to helping those individuals with their education. The public school system cannot do what this school has done. Being an EPA (Educational Program Assistant) with the Halifax Regional School Board for 12 years, I saw for myself the day-to-day operations of a classroom. Much of what I saw did not impress me with regards to the average child. Those with an LD are even more disadvantaged in today's classroom.
Any classroom teacher having a wide variety of 25 plus needy students in her class does not have the ability to help one student with a learning disability. Bridgeway can with its dedicated knowledgeable teachers and very small class sizes.
We agree with Mrs. Lucinda Low (founder of Bridgeway Academy) - "We would be happy to work with parents, school board officials and the Department of Education to place a school in every district of our province."
We need to do whatever it takes to help those very intelligent individuals with this invisible disability, whom just happen to learn things in a different way. Our son is just one of these people whose life was changed because of Bridgeway Academy.
Keep and extend the Tuition Support to Bridgeway Academy, Churchill Academy and Landmark East.
Ivan & Linda Lockyer
2 months ago
Thanks for your post!