Saturday, April 28, 2012

Emergent Learning 2012 - A Success!

Thanks so much to everyone who attended Emergent Learning: Turning Tides in 21st Century Education this week.  It was a wonderful, two-day conference that brought together more than 1100 individuals in our region (and beyond!) who care about kids and wanted to learn more about the many ways we can support them - mentally, academicallly, emotionally and socially.

We thought we'd share some of the highlights of our two days together in pictures.  We look forward to seeing you next year!

The Bridgeway Team

Sheree Fitch
Sheree Fitch leads her Breathe, Stretch, Write! workshop.

"It is critical in today’s world, that all students believe they have the opportunity to learn."

Early morning yoga.

"Education should not be all about curriculum outcomes, but making kids want to come to school”.

Birds of a feather session.
Birds of a Feather session.

"You have to be able to look a student in the eye and tell him you believe in him."

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier and education student, Charity Visser, speak passionately about reducing stigmas in the classroom.
Workshop presentation with Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier and Charity Visser.

"Good teachers modify, adapt and then overcome."

Skilled Trades Learning Workshop
Skilled trades learning workshop.

"We have to stop asking “How smart are you?” and start asking “How are you smart?"

VIP reception for Sir Ken Robinson.

"Teaching is the heart of education."


Bridgeway student Kenzie was the first to have her book signed by Sir Ken Robinson!

"We need to change the programme not reengineer how our children think!"

Sir Ken Robinson's keynote presentation!

"Our technology is changing, there is no way to predict what the future hold for our children."

The line up.
Registration - day one!

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