Valerie Payn
President, Halifax Chamber of Commerce
November 24, 2010
- One of the key drivers of a successful economy is the need for a highly educated workforce to maximize the opportunity provided by the knowledge economy and to use creativity, innovation, and higher productivity to create greater wealth.
- Those in this room would no doubt smile broadly and knowingly at this with the insight that Nova Scotia loves to boast of it highly educated workforce - and it is true -more than 75% of the labour force had at least a high school diploma and almost 50% had at least some post secondary.
- Good stuff, but what it means is that, and here is the elephant, cow or gorilla in the room, 25%, almost a quarter of a million people in Nova Scotia, have not finished high school, and about 38% of working age Nova Scotians don’t have the minimum literacy skills to work in today’s economy and 50% - half - don’t have the numeracy skills!
- This is an enormous number of people who are not able to participate in our envisioned future, which creates an enormous burden on those who can.
- We fully support investing in making educated people smarter but a management rule of thumb is that a dollar spent on training the most untrained worker has a much higher rate of return then a dollar spent on those at the top of the scale.
- We need to start taking a closer look at Nova Scotia’s literacy and numeracy and work to have our province at one of the highest levels of literacy and numeracy in Canada.
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