Our Founder and Executive Director will be honoured on Thursday of this week with a Progress Women of Excellence Award for her contributions to Education. We're very proud of her and everything she's done for hundreds of our students over the last 27 years. You'll find out a little more about her in the bio below. Feel free to leave your congratulatory messages in the Comments section below!
Lucinda Low
Founder and Executive Director
Bridgeway Academy
Lucinda Low believes in children. She believes any child with a learning disability can learn, and she refuses to give up on that belief, even when that child may have given up on herself.
It’s that belief that led a woman with only a grade nine education to demand that her son receive the services he needed from the province of Nova Scotia. When the right program could not be found, it’s the same belief that led her to started Bridgeway Academy, a school for children with learning disabilities.
Over the last 27 years, Bridgeway has helped hundreds of students do more than learn. They leave the school believing in themselves, with an understanding of their learning disabilities and an ability to advocate for the services they need to succeed.
Lucinda’s advocacy work extends over 30 years. She was the Founder and President of Children’s Opportunities Mean Everything, a support group for parents with children with learning disabilities in the Halifax area. She held executive positions with the Atlantic Conference on Learning Disabilities and the Learning Disabilities Association of Nova Scotia (LDANS). She also served on the Nova Scotia Advisory Council on Learning Disabilities.
Lucinda has received many accolades over the years. In 1982, she received the Mary Hornby Award from the Atlantic Conference on Learning Disabilities for her contributions to the goal of achieving respect and understanding for youth with special learning needs. In 1992, she was presented with the President’s Award by the Association of Psychologists of Nova Scotia for her contributions to the mental health community. And in 2001, Bridgeway Academy received the National Excellence of Education Award from the Learning Disabilities Association of Canada for outstanding contribution to the field of learning disabilities and education.
Lucinda is married and has three children, three grandchildren, and in her spare time, creates and sells jewellery with her sister in a business they call “Sisters Too.”
Here's a shot of Cindy with our Board of Directors at the Progress Women of Excellence Award Dinner on Thursday, November 18. Way to go Cindy!
2 months ago
Cindy's bio is also on the Nova Scotia Come to Life website as the Featured Nova Scotian! http://www.novascotialife.com/
ReplyDeleteCindy was also honoured in the Legislative Assembly on November 9. The motion was put forward by Andrew Younger, MLA for Dartmouth East.
ReplyDeleteRESOLUTION NO. 2057
MR. ANDREW YOUNGER: Mr. Speaker, I hereby give notice that on a future day I shall move the adoption of the following resolution:
Whereas 19 women will be honoured at the 21st Annual Progress Women of Excellence Awards dinner in Halifax on Thursday, November 18th; and
Whereas the honourees will be recognized for outstanding leadership and success; and
Whereas Lucinda Low is nominated in the category of education and research, celebrating her achievements as the founder and executive director of Bridgeway Academy in Dartmouth, a non-profit day school for students with moderate to severe learning disabilities;
Therefore be it resolved that members of the House of Assembly join me in congratulating Lucinda on being named a 2010 Woman of Excellence.
Mr. Speaker, I request waiver of notice and passage without debate.
MR. SPEAKER: There has been a request for waiver.
Is it agreed?
It is agreed.
Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay.
The motion is carried.