Friday, September 2, 2011

A view from a visitor

Time spent at Bridgeway has an impact, regardless of the reason for your visit.  This spring, I was fortunate enough to work with two NSCC Business Administration students who spent five weeks working with me at Bridgeway.  They helped plan a conference and two fundraisers, and did invaluable work researching, tracking data and developing new marketing ideas for our school.  What they took away was a greater appreciation for the impact that learning disabilities have on young people. 

Thanks to Angelina for writing this blog post for me.  I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to post it!


My name is Angelina and I took part in a five-week work term at Bridgeway Academy in May that is required for school.

Bridgeway Academy is a school for kids with learning disabilities. The kids that attend this school could have social skill problems, math struggles, or have ADHD. But this does not define the children at this school. What defines the kids is their great personalities, their individuality and their love for one another. The kids here are full of life, energy and love to learn. Some of the kids definitely feel different, like they are from another planet. They feel as though their learning disability puts a strain on life, and they can’t be “normal”. Truth is, everyone feels this way at some point in their lives. We all go through that stage of feeling different, or being the outcast. At Bridgeway Academy, the kids might feel different, and may feel like they wouldn’t fit in with public school children, but they fit in with each other here. They are all different, but are all the same because they are all struggling with their own battle of having a learning disability.

It has been amazing to see the kids work together, and help one another in a way kids from public or private schools might not. From this work term experience, I have realized that I want a career that surrounds me with children. I want to help kid’s everyday and make a difference in their lives. I am unsure where I would like this dream to take me, but I am certain that working with children for the rest of my life is definitely what I want to do. I am so happy that I was able to have the opportunity of working with Bridgeway and gain the experience I did. The faculty here at the school is easy to get along with, the children are spectacular, and their mission to help the kids is inspiring. I hope one day I can help kids in need like Bridgeway Academy does every day.

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