If you have ever parented a child with ADHD, you know that discipline can be a challenge. Here are some great tips on dealing with behaviour at home.
Does your struggle with ADHD behavior look something like this?
You’ve told your child with attention deficit disorder (ADD ADHD) to pick up his dirty clothes from the bedroom floor. Not a single sock has been deposited in the hamper. Did he not hear you — or did he ignore your discipline?
Annoyed, you shout and, worse, feel yourself getting angry and nearing a power struggle. Then come the threats -- no TV for a week, no friends visiting for a month, and whatever else you can think of in your fury. The incident costs everyone dearly: Your child feels angry and demoralized, and you feel like anything but a loving parent. And for what? A pile of clothes in need of a washing machine.
Later that evening, during a quiet moment at the kitchen table, you think back to what happened -- and what has been happening for months now. You wish you had used more effective communication and question whether you love your child any more, whether you’re a fit parent. Don’t worry: You do and you are.
You’re feeling the emotional turmoil and stinging regret every parent experiences when trying to love and discipline your child. Here are some strategies that will help you feel less like an ogre and more like a mom the next time your child needs some “enlightenment”:
Read more on the ADDitude Magazine site - http://www.additudemag.com/adhd/article/2519.html
2 months ago
I can feel what every parent with a child who has ADD/ADHD feels. I know it is tough but it can be taken cared of with a little patience and dedication.
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