At Bridgeway, we believe we need to support the whole child. Too often, we have students coming to us who are suffering from a variety of mental health issues - usually anxiety and depression - that are related to their learning disabilities. Often, those issues resolve as the students begin to learn and their self-esteem grows. Sometimes, they need the help of a mental health professional. Being a teenager is tough, even if you're not dealing with an LD, and it's nice to see that there is a growing awareness of the particular mental health challenges teens face. If the teen in your life needs help, please seek out the advice of a medical professional. If you're looking for more information, you should check out this "made in Halifax" website from the team at IWK/Dalhousie:
The question, 'will we ever understand teens?' is as puzzling as the question of chicken or egg. While we might not ever truly understand teens, we can learn more about what makes them behave the way they do.
You might be wondering if the teen in your life is going through a tough time, are they just going through those 'teenage years' or is there truly something wrong.
The answers to the questions above can be found on The website that has been built for teens, their families, educators and health professionals who want to help teens with a myriad of mental health issues they might face. It also helps to lift some of the stigma teens who are suffering from mental illness may be facing as well. Check it out and let us know what you think!
2 months ago
How do you know when to get your teen help before they get into real trouble?